Akademie cestovního ruchu vítá nové členy poradního panelu

Today, the nonprofit Tourism Academy | tourismacademy.org, known for its global network of effective and efficient training programs, announced the newest members of its Advisory Panel. Eight new leaders in destination marketing, adult education, and leadership development have been added to the fold, Destination DC’s Elliott Ferguson, Visit Baltimore’s Al Hutchinson, Philadelphia CVB’s Gregg Caren, Longwoods International’s Amir Eylon, University of Southern California’s…

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  • Eight new leaders in destination marketing, adult education, and leadership development have been added to the fold, Destination DC’s Elliott Ferguson, Visit Baltimore’s Al Hutchinson, Philadelphia CVB’s Gregg Caren, Longwoods International’s Amir Eylon, University of Southern California’s….
  • Org, known for its global network of effective and efficient training programs, announced the newest members of its Advisory Panel.
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O autorovi

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson byl redaktorem úkolů pro eTurboNews po více než 20 let. Žije v Honolulu na Havaji a je původem z Evropy. Baví ho psát a informovat o novinkách.

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